
Charly, Oct 2014 – Mar 2015, Balham
One of the main aspects that stood out for me in the work that we did, is the focused approach that Christian brought to each session. It’s always apparent that he is totally focused on whatever we’re discussing at the time, but not just passively listening and waiting to ask some generic question. I could tell that he was actively engaging in everything I said and would often understand the root of what I was getting at without me having to explain it. This attention to detail also has quite a motivating effect on me to actually put as much effort into the sessions as Christian is.
Some of the main differences that I’ve noticed since we did some therapy sessions is that I’m more decisive in my day to day life and spend less time confusedly procrastinating about what the right action is, so in a way I’m more carefree. And I think that this comes from being more confident in my own conclusions and thoughts and generally just being happier and more settled myself. It really helped to spend some time talking though various issues and having someone else’s perspective on things that I’ve spent so much time turning over and over in my head. But by talking to Christian, it kind of verified what I’d been thinking about and from that I’ve started to feel more confident and also feeling less need for external verification of how I’m feeling. So generally I’m actually feeling more content, which is ace!
Joss, March – July 2015, East Dulwich
I had no idea what to expect from counselling and it is still a surprise what I have got from it. I have learned things about myself that I feel I always knew but were quite a shock to realise at the time. But after letting them out and being able to talk about them with Christian, I felt much lighter and ready to deal with them. Now I know a lot more about why I have always held myself back and how I get in my own way.
Anonymous, Dec 2014 – Sept 2015, East Dulwich
Looking back on our sessions together what stands out is what they helped me to let go of. I’m less afraid of what I feel and think, or of having to be how I think I “should” be. And I’m more accepting of who I am, so I’m fighting against myself a lot less. A lot of that has come from times in our sessions when I realized things about myself and my past that had such a powerful impact and have helped me realise why I feel or think like I do. Now, because I’m more accepting of myself, I’ve found that learning to control my emotions less has helped my emotions be more controllable, which I never would have thought before. I’m now much more in touch with being myself as I’m letting go of arbitrary senses of identity of what I thought I should be – mostly for other people’s benefit. I’m less afraid of being myself.
I have a much deeper understanding of the stresses and pressures that bring out my rage and anger. Being able to identify when it’s happening and accept it stops me from acting on it or feeling so overwhelmed by it. And I’m better at saying ‘no’ because I’m clearer about what I want and need – which means I’m clearer to others.
I’m becoming more aware of the need for support from others and I am allowing myself to be more vulnerable and express the vulnerability. I’ve recognized that support can be more about being there and accepting rather than trying to fix and that my feelings don’t define me – they are just what I feel and there is more to gain from living through an emotion rather than controlling it.
Paddy Salter, Welfare and Guidance Manager at Newham 6th Form College, 2013 – 2014
Christian was highly effective in providing an effective, humanistic counselling service at our college. He employed a range of counselling approaches and strategies and tailored these to the needs of the young people. He made a significant difference to many young people who were highly vulnerable and at risk of failing college. He supported them to remain in college and be successful in their studies. He also supported them to address their emotional and mental health needs, building confidence and resilience; skills that will help them throughout life. I received very positive feedback from some of the students Christian supported and they commented on how he has turned their life around.
I could not recommend Christian more highly in any counselling role. In the short time he was with us he made a huge impact on the lives of the students he supported. He worked with many of our most vulnerable young people and was calm and confident working within crises. I found Christian to be a very honest and trustworthy man and had no reservations with him working unsupervised with some of our most vulnerable learners. He is a highly skilled counsellor, strengthened by compassion, empathy and genuine dedication.
Anonymous, Sept – Oct 2015, East Dulwich
After counselling with Christian I don’t feel as anxious or as scared as I did before. I haven’t felt anything close to a panic attack like I’d had before and I haven’t found myself switching off and daydreaming like I was. I feel a lot more relaxed. Our sessions helped me to realise what I went through in my accident – to appreciate what I lost – and that I need to remember to step back and look after myself more. I was denying a lot of things, especially my feelings. I was saying I was alright when I wasn’t. I was denying that it ever happened and now I’m not and that seems to have made me feel calmer and not so panicky. Now I can look forward a bit more to enjoying myself and doing more for myself. And before I wasn’t even sure if I wanted counselling!
Mark, Jan – Jul 2015, Balham
Perhaps the best thing about our sessions was to just have somewhere to get things off my chest. Christian helped me to work out just how much I bottle stuff up and how scared I have always been of telling people how I feel. Now I can see how much that contributes to me feeling depressed and when I don’t bottle things up I don’t obsess about things so much and I sleep better because of it. I have learned a lot about why I have always kept stuff in and I still have to work at it, but I am getting better at doing what I need and asking for what I want. I don’t get depressed nearly as much as I used to and my life is much more about what I want for myself.